A long Vanity Fair feature by Sarah Ellison entitled "The Complex Power Coupledom of Chris Hughes and Sean Eldridge" has a lot of detail about their backgrounds, how Hughes became a Facebook demi-billionaire, their over-the-top wedding and reception, and, most of all, the NYC/DC media village firestorm about Hughes and The New Republic.
From the subhead:
Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes and political activist Sean Eldridge were once the ultimate team, but Hughes’s controversial purchase of The New Republic and Eldridge’s failed run for Congress made the once-heroes villains. Eldridge's ill-fated bid to unseat two-term Rep. Chris Gibson is actually barely mentioned -- about a quarter as many inches as for The New Republic brouhaha.And it hardly shows him to be a villain. Politically naive, perhaps, but not a bad person.
Eldridge stepped up and challenged a popular Republican incumbent in a Republican year, and anyone who does that deserves our respect.
Too bad for him he chose to run against Gibson, who is a very formidable politician.
FWIW, I don't consider Hughes a villain, either.
More, below.